Joseph Rock Arboretum

Joseph Rock Arboretum

The Joseph Rock Arboretum is a garden located in, and focused on the native Hawaiian dry forest. The Hawaiian dry forest is a very rare ecosystem in the world. The grounds also include cataloged collections of tropical hardwood species, cactus/succulent, tropical flowering trees, agroforestry species. It is home to the Future Forests Nursery and the Hawaii Island Seed Bank. It is a training center for new forest creators from all over the world.

The garden is 48 acres, located in Kona, Hawaii. Private tours, educational tours, and training are available by appointment.


The mission of the Joseph Rock Arboretum is to collect and study trees, shrubs and plants of Hawaii and around the world. Its goal is to teach people how to care for natural environments through hands on seed collection, seed banking, propagation and field work. The vision is to support new forest creators as future care takers of the planet.

A beautiful site to learn about the Hawaiian dry forest, seed banking and reforestation. Contact us